
Nounours is the debut short film of director/animator Lou Rigoudy and writer/producer Robert Montcalm, made with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the National Film Board of Canada - Filmmaker Assistance Program.

A baby girl stumbles across a box. In it, she discovers a new friend, a teddy bear. Like a dream, we are transported through moments in their relationship, flashes in time, as the girl begins to run, play, and learn about the world. But as she grows older, the time comes to pack away childish things for good...

Nounours is a whirlwind of memories and experiences, bookended with a reflection on the past and the legacy we choose to impart on the next generation. Inspired by behind-the-scenes footage of classic 2D films, Nounours invites the audience to experience the artistic process which, like our character, begins in infancy with rough sketches and messy blotches of colour, and evolves into adulthood, with polished and defined lines.


